Wardrobe decluttering

Wardrobe‚What you haven’t worn for the last 2 years, goes out!‘ Is this true?

Not always! More important is if the piece fits your current body shape, suits your natural coloring and matches your unique style. And of course, if it’s still wearable and up to date.

As a Style Coach, I categorize clothes and accessories into 3 groups:

  • Keep: clothes that are the real you (your style, colors, shapes). It means pieces working FOR you – enhancing your body’s positive features, hiding imperfections, making you look attractive, younger, self-confident, fresh and chic. Moreover, making you feel comfortable in your own skin!
  • Might keep: clothes that are not completely you. It means they are still useable as a part of an outfit, but need to be camouflaged.
  • Get rid off: clothes that are not you at all. It means pieces working AGAINST you – making you look older, drained, insecure, deform your body, not only highlight, but even create more imperfections. They simply don’t help you to be the best you can be!

To have an idea how it looks in the 3rd category – Get rid off – after wardrobe decluttering, I attach a few examples including no name brands, mass market ones, but also brands such as Gant, Tommy Hilfiger, Esprit, Liu Jo, Kenzo, Armani, Versace, etc. Well, brands don’t guarantee a perfect fit either.

Choose to shine!


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