Style Coaching™

Style Coaching with Dagmar Gabulova, the first certified Style Coach for the Czech Republic & Slovakia, consists of 1-on-1 sessions that will help you to define what colors, clothes, jewelry, make-up, hair and accessories suit you best, reflect who you are, make you shine, and feel confident.

During our Style Coaching meetings, we go through 5 stages: Personal Color Analysis, Face and Body Shape Analysis, Style Personality Coaching, Wardrobe De-Cluttering, and Personal Shopping.


First, we identify what colors are suitable for you by matching different color palettes with your skin, eyes and hair. As a result, we will identify ‘your top colors’, the ones you look the most fabulous in – a set of 30 color shades that help you shine and look attractive, young, healthy and vital. In addition to defining what colors to wear, we also will advise you on colors for your hair and jewelry. At the end, you will take all ‘your top colors’ summarised both in a swatch book and an electronic document with you to guide you when shopping for new pieces in the future.


Second, we take a look at the shape of your face. There are 7 face shapes (Oval, Round, Oblong, Square, Triangular, Heart, Diamond) and we will determine which one is yours. Knowing your facial shape is essential for choosing the right jewelry types, hairstyle, make-up and eyeglasses for you. Moreover, by understanding your face proportions you will be able to hide the weak points and highlight the features you like.

We focus on the silhouette as well and will identify one of 5 body shapes for you (Hourglass, Rectangle, Inverted Triangle, Pear, Apple). The goal here is to understand how to balance your body using specific clothes types, accessories, materials, textures and colors to draw focus to the positives and to cleverly disguise any challenging areas. We also will point out what styles you can afford to wear and which to avoid with your current body type. You will receive all of them summarised in a booklet to guide you when shopping for new pieces in the future.


Third, we assess your personality to understand who you are now and who you want to become. When trying to find your personal fashion style, we will think of the ideal you. Through conversation, several assessment tools and questionnaires, we will combine your taste, lifestyle, interests, desires, inspirations, aspirations and history together.

The best way to find your style is to understand your inner world. We will reveal the ‘real you’ together, define what you believe in and what you want to represent to build your image in an authentic, feminine and empowering way. During our Style Coaching, you will understand what makes YOU beautiful and different from the others. You will learn how to shine from the inside, how to build positive inner self-image and true self-confidence, and most importantly, how being yourself can lead you to a woman you want to be.


Fourth, we go through and organize your existing wardrobe to carry out a throughout inventory. We will categorize your clothes and accessories into 3 groups:

  • Keep: clothes that are the new you (your style, colors, shapes)
  • Might keep: clothes that are not completely you, but still useable
  • Get rid of: clothes that are not you at all

Don’t worry, you will not have to throw all unsuitable pieces away, you still can sell them or can please your friends.


Last but not least, we will go shopping together to help you build a new wardrobe reflecting your personality as well as enhancing your body. We will not only find new items missing in your wardrobe together, but you will also learn how to shop effectively – in much less time, with good purchases and a smile on your face! Your wardrobe will finally consist only of flattering outfits and dressing & shopping will become easier than never before.

In the end, Dagmar&Style will help you to

  • be noticed
  • be complimented
  • be remembered
  • gain confidence
  • change your life for the better

…above all, to reveal your true beauty, express who you are and make the best out of it!